Enabling Self-Motivated Professionals
to Achieve Massive Success
in their Careers and for their teams
Using Leading Edge Human Skills
Enabling Self-Motivated IT Professionals
to Achieve
Massive Success in
their Careers
Using Leading Edge
Human Skills

About Us

Integration Catalyst works with self-motivated industry professionals to optimise their career success through the development of key human skills.

Our founder and CEO Campbell Such, is an accomplished practitioner in both technology and business. His underlying driving force and motivation has always been how to use technology for the success of the organisations and businesses he has worked for, and with. He brings together a unique combination of practical skills, technology experience and human insight.

Campbell’s extensive practical experience led to his profound realisation: the keys to a successful career are not found solely in technical excellence.
Let’s be clear, technical excellence is a critical prerequisite for career success, but by itself, it’s not enough.

Instead career success needs you to learn, internalise, and implement the personal skills that make us human and differentiate us from Algorithms, Automation, and Artificial Intelligence.

These are the keys to remaining useful and valuable in the 4th Industrial Revolution.

About Campbell Such

Campbell has an Electrical Engineering Degree and an expansive career spanning IT Support and Technical Management, Project Management, Technical Sales, Technical Marketing, Account Management, Digital Imaging Bureau Management, ERP Implementations, IT Management and Senior Leadership.

Key career highlights:

1    10 years as Head of IT for Bidfood one of NZs top 50 companies building technology platforms and IT team to help grow the company from just under $400 million turnover to over $1.2Billion turnover

2    A 3-year stint, based in Silicon Valley, running IT for the US arm of a UK based global organisation. Heading up the project to roll out a JD Edwards ERP implementation across the US business and on the global steering group. Including a 3-month expanded role managing both US and UK IT operations while a replacement IT head was recruited for the UK operation.

Campbell has been a regular contributor for the NZ CIO website and shares a weekly video post, on LinkedIn, on human skills (soft skills), lifelong learning and the value of building a quality network.
He has had spoken on stage multiple times at the NZ CIO Summit, as well as at internal events and meetings for high profile New Zealand businesses and organisations

Having worked in New Zealand, Australia, USA and the UK, for small businesses and start-ups, medium sized and large organisations and in both vendor and end-user environments, Campbell understands what it takes to help individuals, team leads, managers and leaders succeed.

It is this experience and knowledge that underpins everything we do at Integration Catalyst.

The Integration Catalyst Method

The Integration Catalyst Method developed out of Campbell’s experience in the trenches. It is informed by all of Campbell’s knowledge, experience, and passion to help others succeed. He continues to focus his enthusiasm and curiosity on finding new insights, and practical approaches, to make a difference in a significant number of industry professionals’ lives.

Campbell’s seen the massive value, great professionals, managers and leaders can bring to their colleagues, their teams, and their businesses.

This evolved to his insight of a fundamental truth: that the non-technical self-management skills and interpersonal/people skills are as important, if not more so, than technical skills for career success. It’s the unstructured stuff, that’s not taught at school, or at university that’s the missing critical factor makes all the difference to building and achieving a successful career.

Campbell draws together his deep knowledge and experience with a strong desire to help, guide, educate, mentor, and coach those that are motivated to achieve success in their careers. He understands what to focus on to have the greatest impact in the shortest time, and what to do to ensure long and exponential growth in your career.

Just like successful athletes and those driven to succeed have coaches, Campbell brings this capability to self-motivated industry professionals, who recognise the immense value of help, guidance, education, mentoring, and coaching.

Contact us today to start the evolution of your human skills and build the foundations of a successful career.
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coaching session with Campbell

On a More Personal Note

I grew up in Titirangi, Auckland, New Zealand, walked barefoot to school, climbed trees, built tree huts.

I was intensely curious. When I was 9 years old, I can remember thinking “I want to know everything”.

Like a lot of IT professionals, math and science were my strong suits in the poker game of trying to pick a career while still at school. I had an inkling that life was shades of colour and not all B&W … but I loved the structured approach of the sciences.

Started surfing at 12 years old and at 15 couldn't imagine life without surfing and still have the passion. Although now it's longboarding and learning the new skills of walking the board, nose riding and drop knee turns.

About Integration Catalyst

At Integration Catalyst you'll find the resources you need to build a successful career by developing your Human Edge

You'll discover how to create results, build confidence, and achieve significance

To help you achieve that for you , or your team, or both, the options include:
  • ​Discovery Assessments
  • ​Workshops
  • ​Team performance coaching
  • ​1-1 private coaching and mentoring
  • ​Online courses
Paul Mills
Applied Logic Systems
Campbell helped me in a couple of key ways:
  • His measured reactions to receiving bad news gave me confidence in acknowledging that a problem exists, and communicating it early
  • ​His unceasing backing encouraged me to follow my instincts without feeling I had to ask permission first. However, at the same time he did expect me to keep him in the loop, so he was across what we were doing and wasn’t on the back foot if there were issues
As a result of my relationship with Campbell I have become more proactive, taking action immediately, rather than waiting for someone else to do it, or for a minor issue to become a major problem.
Paul Mills
Applied Logic Systems
Campbell helped me in a couple of key ways:
  • His measured reactions to receiving bad news gave me confidence in acknowledging that a problem exists, and communicating it early
  • ​His unceasing backing encouraged me to follow my instincts without feeling I had to ask permission first. However, at the same time he did expect me to keep him in the loop, so he was across what we were doing and wasn’t on the back foot if there were issues
As a result of my relationship with Campbell I have become more proactive, taking action immediately, rather than waiting for someone else to do it, or for a minor issue to become a major problem.

Giving Back - Helping Kids

I’ve realised how fortunate I’ve been in my life, and I wanted to make a difference, giving back.

Doing something that resonates with me, and that makes me feel good doing it.

Gifts for Kids is one of those ways I can do that. It's a charity we founded after realising that while I’d had wonderful Christmases as a kid, that there were a whole lot of kids who never got to experience that.


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Photos: Fauxels from Pexels
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