Who is Human skills Training For
and Not For?

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The critical components for a Genius Career
What they are ... Why you need them ... How to get them
Who is Human Skills
Training For
  • ​​​​Self-motivated IT and Technical professionals who want to succeed in their careers
  • ​​Team Leads, Managers and Leaders who:
  • ​Have challenges with either, individual team members, or the team as a whole, and want guidance, strategies, and tools to improve things
  • ​​Are not having specific challenges but know the team could do even better
If you’re a team leader or manager and you know that your team could benefit, our passion is to help you:
  • ​​Raise the awareness of the enormous value of Human Skills in your team
  • ​​Take them on the journey to learn, practice, internalize and apply these critical skills
    Either individually or as a team – or a combination

Who is Human Skills
Training Not For
  • ​​​A​s an Individual
    Anyone who is not motivated to learn, grow and succeed in their careers, and sees no value in improving their career prospects
  • ​​As a Team-Lead or Manager
    Anyone who is happy with where they are and sees no value in improving their team or individuals in the team
Photo by Ana Paula Nardini from Pexels
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