What are the Consequences
of Not Having
Human skills?

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Welcome Video

The critical components for a Genius Career
What they are ... Why you need them ... How to get them
  • ​Watching your colleagues go past you and get promoted – who maybe aren’t even technically as good as you
  • ​​Missing out on a job offer for your next role … or even worse your dream role
  • ​​Missing out on the satisfaction and additional income, from a job promotion. And extra respect from your colleagues, friends and family
  • Not getting your ideas and opinions, recognized and included, or often aren’t even heard or acknowledged
  • ​​Not getting included in the influential teams and projects you’d like to
  • ​​Struggling to stand up to bullies and handle conflict with colleagues
  • ​​Struggling to work effectively with colleagues from outside IT or even others in your team
Not having Human Skills is like running your career with the handbrake on

It may not stop you, but it will be like trying to pull a heavy train with only one locomotive - when 3 was what the train really needed

Not only will it take you a lot longer to get moving, the other trains will have already claimed their spots at the station by the time you arrive
Photo by Louis Hansel on Unsplash
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